Presentation STAC-Systems

STAC-V-Systems are high solids systems, 1-c+i (1-component + initiators), based on shrink-free, hydrophobic, modified vinyl-esters (see “The story of V”). They durable protect of a great variety of constructions (concrete, steel …) against very strong chemical-thermal exposition and mechanical impact.
V1 has a food certificate, for all types of foodstuffs.
V2 resists even better to strong acids, organic bases, solvents and high temperatures.

STAC-U-Systems are 1-c (1-component) U1 or 2-c (2-componenten) U2 or 1+2-c (2-componenten) U12, based on specific ISO (poly-isocyanates). For U1 it reacts with water to form poly-Urea. For U2 it reacts with poly-amines to form poly-Urea or with polyols to form poly-Urethanes or with a mixture of both to form hybrid poly-Urea-Urethane (see “The story of U”). The pure poly-Urea (aminen) have better properties than the poly-Urethanes (polyols) and the hybrids, with a.o. superior durability and higher, long lasting elasticity.

STAC-U1-Systems are pure poly-Urea, 1-c (1-component), resulting from the reaction of specific ISO (poly-isocyanates) with water, even atmospheric moisture, to form MCU (Moisture Cured Urea). No additives, no mixing errors, no induction time and no potlife. They are applied independent of temperature (–12 to +50°C) and air humidity (15 to 99 %) and tolerate a damp surface (no condensation or ice crystals) which is moderately roughened, even with UHP water jet. The thin layer coatings (standard 75-100 µm) cure quickly. With the addition of STAC-U1-ACCELERATOR, the curing is even faster (up to 75 %) and the overall quality even better. They protect durable all kind of constructions, combining strong adhesion, excellent chemical resistance, outstanding abrasion and impact resistance with high flexibility and elasticity (± 30 %).

STAC-U2-Systems are 2-c (2-components), based on the poly-addition reaction of specific ISO (poly-isocyanates) with poly-amines to form poly-Urea or with polyols to form poly-Urethanes or with a mixture of both to form hybrid poly-Urethane-Urea (see “The story of U”). The pure poly-Urea (aminen) have better properties than the poly-Urethanes (polyols) and the hybrids, with a.o. superior durability and higher, long lasting elasticity.

STAC-U12-Systems are 1+2-c (1+2-components), based on the dual reaction of specific ISO (poly-isocyanates) with both water and PEPA (Poly-Ester–Poly-Amines) to form PEPU (Poly-Ester–Poly-Urea). They have the most extreme UV resistance and colour stability.

STAC-E-Systems are 2-c (2-components), based on the poly-addition reaction of specific aromatic epoxy resins with poly-amines (
ES2 is solvent-free and has 100 % solids content.
EW2 is water-based and VOC-free.
EP2 is based on bio-phenalkamines, with volume-mix-ratio 1 on 1 and very high solids content.

STAC-A-Systems are 1-c (1-component) systems, based on aliphatic acrylate pre-polymers, dispersed in water, which “react”, by drying and a complex series of chain reactions (a.o. cross-linking), to a poly-acrylate 3-D matrix.

STAC-SiA-Systems are 1-c semi-liquid hybrid systems, based on aliphatic (poly-organo)siloxanes and acrylate prepolymers, dispersed in water, which “react”, by drying and a com-plex series of chain reactions (a.o. cross-linking), to a poly-siloxane-acrylate 3-D matrix.

STAC-SiA-Systems are 1-c systems, based on modified (poly-organo)siloxanes, which “react”, by drying and a complex series of chain reactions (a.o. cross-linking), to a poly-siloxane 3-D matrix.

STAC-G-Systems are 1-c (1-component) “cold” galvanisation coatings, with high solids content, of the highest quality, with at least the same durability as “hot-dip” galvanisation.

STAC-CP-Systems are 1-c+w (1-component + water) repair mortars, with high solids content, based on modified CP (CemPol or Cement-Polymer) of the highest quality, that hydrate, polymerise and cure by the addition of water (see “The story of CP”). They provide an easy restauration of damaged parts of a great variety of concrete constructions (standard concrete, reinforced concrete, lightweight concrete).

STACFOAM-U2-Systems are 2-c (2-components) foams, based on the poly-addition reaction of ISO (poly-isocyanates) with bio-polyols to poly-Urethane ((see “The story of U”). The expansion agent is water, so no VOC. Specially developed for the durable thermal (and acoustic) isolation of buildings and other constructions.